Importing/exporting data

JDBC support
- Import data from Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Amazon Redshift,
Snowflake, and other databases
- Export data to an existing database table
- Execute SQL statements on a database
- Create data source names to store connection settings
- Support for CLOBs, BLOBs, and Unicode
- Import data using GUI New
ODBC support 
- Import data from any ODBC data source, such as Oracle, SQL Server, Access,
Excel, MySQL, and DB2
- Export data to new or existing ODBC tables
- Execute custom SQL commands individually or in batches
- Customize ODBC connection strings
- Support for ODBC
- Support for VARCHARs/CLOBs and BLOBs
- Support for Unicode
Built-in spreadsheet editor
- Clipboard Preview Tool lets you control how data will be pasted
- Manage variables with the Variables Tool
- For Windows
, Mac
, and Unix 
- Pinnable rows and columns New
- Resizable cell editor for string data New
- Tool tips for truncated text New
- Proportional width font supportNew
- Columns can be resized and are preserved when saving the dataset
- Show variable labels in column header New
- Keyboard shortcut for hiding and showing value labels New
Properties window
- Manage variables
- Manage dataset properties
- For Windows
, Mac
, and Unix 
Variables Manager
- Change storage types, names, and formats
- Add and edit value labels
- Attach notes to variables
- Filter variables
- For Windows
, Mac
, and Unix 
- Statistical functions
- Mathematical functions

- Trigonometric functions

- String functions
- Unicode functions
- Regular expressions
- Date and time functions
- Time-series functions

- Random-number functions

- 18 functions
- Stream random numbers
- Matrix functions

- Programming functions
Data reorganization
- Row–column transposition

- Data reshaping

- Stacking of variables

- Collapsing into means, totals, etc.

Unicode support
- UTF-8
- Translation of extended ASCII to UTF-8

- Unicode-aware string functions

- Locale-based sorting and string comparison

- Dataset labels
- Variable labels
- Value labels (e.g., male and female for 0 and 1)
- Ability to switch between multiple sets of data, variable, and value labels
- Missing-value labels
- Support for multiple languages, including Unicode support
- Extensive notes can be attached to a dataset
Data snapshots 
- Allow multiple levels of undo to modified datasets
See New in Stata 18 to learn about what was added in Stata 18.