Time series
Handle all the statistical challenges inherent to time-series
data—autocorrelations, common factors, autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity, unit roots, cointegration, and
much more. From graphing and filtering to fitting complex
multivariate models, let Stata reveal the structure in your
time-series data.


- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Static and dynamic forecasts

- Linear constraints
- Multiplicative seasonal ARIMA

- Spectral densities

- Impulse–response functions (IRFs)
- Parametric autocorrelation estimates and graphs
- Check stability conditions
- Model selection criteria

- GJR and more
- ARCH in mean
- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Normal, Student's t, or generalized error distribution
- Multiplicative deterministic heteroskedasticity
- Static and dynamic forecasts

- Linear constraints

Multivariate GARCH
- Diagonal VECH models
- Conditional correlation models
- Constant conditional correlation

- Dynamic conditional correlation

- Varying conditional correlation

- Multivariate normal or multivariate Student's t errors
- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Static and dynamic forecasts

- Linear constraints
Markov-switching models
- Dynamic regression
- Autoregression
- Tables of transition probabilities
- Tables of expected durations
- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Long-memory processes
- Fractional integration
- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Static and dynamic forecasts

- Linear constraints
- Spectral densities

- Impulse–response functions (IRFs)
- Parametric autocorrelation estimates and graphs
- Model selection criteria
Regression with AR(1) disturbances
- Heteroskedasticity-and-autocorrelation-consistent covariance matrices

- Cochrane–Orcutt/Prais–Winsten methods

- ARMA/ARIMA estimators

- ARCH estimators

Unobserved components model (UCM)
- Trend-cycle decomposition
- Stochastic cycles
- Estimation by state-space methods
- Standard and robust variance estimates
- Static and dynamic forecasts

- Linear constraints
- Spectral densities

FRED data
- Over 566,000 U.S. and international
economic and financial time series
- Search or browse by subject, title,
or source
- Download directly into Stata
- Put series on a common periodicity
- Easily update datasets containing dozens,
or even hundreds, of series
- Easy-to-use interface for searching and
- Commands for updating datasets and replicability
Business calendars
- Define your own calendars
- Create calendar from dataset
- Format variables using business calendar format
- Convert between business dates and regular dates
- Lags and leads calculated according to calendar
Graphs and tables
- Autocorrelations and partial correlations

- Cross-correlations

- Cumulative sample spectral density

- Periodograms

- Line plots

- Range plot with lines

- Patterns of missing data
Time-series functions

- String conversion to date: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly
- Dates and times from numeric arguments
- Date and time literal support
- Periodicity conversion, e.g., daily date to quarterly
- Date and time ranges

Time-series operators 
- L, lag
- F, leads
- D, differences
- S#, seasonal lag
Time-series time and date formats 
- Default formats for clock-time daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly
- High-frequency data with millisecond resolution
- User-specified formats
Time-series filters
- Baxter–King band-pass filter

- Butterworth high-pass filter

- Christiano–Fitzgerald band-pass filter

- Hodrick–Prescott high-pass filter

Time-series smoothers 
- Moving average (MA)

- Single exponential

- Double exponential

- Holt–Winters nonseasonal exponential

- Holt–Winters seasonal exponential

- Nonlinear

- Forecasting and smoothing

Support for Haver Analytics database 
- Import haver command makes using Haver datasets even easier
- Quickly access worldwide economics and financial datasets
See tests, predictions, and effects.
See New in Stata 18 to learn about what was added in Stata 18.