An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition |
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Comment from the Stata technical groupChristopher F. Baum's An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition, is a great reference for anyone who wants to learn Stata programming. Baum assumes readers have some familiarity with Stata, but readers who are new to programming will find the book accessible. He begins by introducing programming concepts and basic tools. More advanced programming tools such as structures and pointers and likelihood-function evaluators using Mata are gradually introduced throughout the book alongside examples. This new edition reflects some of the most important statistical tools added since Stata 10. Of note are factor variables and operators, the computation of marginal effects, marginal means, and predictive margins using margins, the use of gmm to implement generalized method of moments estimation, and the use of suest for seemingly unrelated estimation. As in the previous edition of the book, Baum steps the reader through the three levels of Stata programming. He starts with do-files. Do-files are powerful batch files that support loops and conditional statements and are ideal to automate your workflow as well as to guarantee reproducibility of your work. He then delves into ado-files, which are used to extend Stata by creating new commands that share the syntax and behavior of official commands. Baum gives an example of how to write a command to calculate percentiles and the range of a variable, complete with documentation and certification. After introducing the fundamentals of command development, Baum shows users how these concepts can be applied to help them write their own custom estimation commands by using Stata's built-in numerical maximum-likelihood estimation routine, ml, its built-in nonlinear least-squares routines, nl and nlsur, and its built-in generalized method of moments estimation routine. Finally, he introduces Mata, Stata's matrix programming language. Mata programs are integrated into ado-files to build a custom estimation routine that is optimized for speed and numerical stability. Baum briefly discusses how ado-file programming concepts relate to Mata functions and objects. He also explains some of the advantages of using Mata for certain programming tasks. Baum introduces concepts by providing the background and importance of the topic, presents common uses and examples, and then concludes with larger, more applied examples he refers to as “cookbook recipes”. Many of the examples are of particular interest because they arose from frequently asked questions from Stata users. If you want to understand basic Stata programming or want to write your own routines and commands using advanced Stata tools, Baum's book is a great reference. |
About the authorChristopher F. Baum is a Professor of Economics and Social Work at Boston College, where he codirects the undergraduate minor in scientific computation. Baum has taught econometrics for many years, using Stata extensively. He has over 40 years of experience with computer programming in a variety of languages and has authored or coauthored several widely used Stata commands over the past 12 years. He is the author of An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, an associate editor of the Stata Journal, and a participant in many Stata Users Group meetings in the United States and Europe. |
Table of contentsView table of contents >> List of figures
List of tables
Preface (PDF)
Notation and typography
1 Why should you become a Stata programmer?
Do-file programming
1.1 Plan of the book Ado-file programming Mata programming for ado-files 1.2 Installing the necessary software 2 Some elementary concepts and tools
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
2.2 Navigational and organizational issues
2.2.1 The current working directory and profile.do
2.3 Editing Stata do- and ado-files 2.2.2 Locating important directories: sysdir and adopath 2.2.3 Organization of do-files, ado-files, and data files 2.4 Data types
2.4.1 Storing data efficiently: The compress command
2.5 Handling errors: The capture command 2.4.2 Date and time handling 2.4.3 Time-series operators 2.4.4 Factor variables and operators 2.6 Protecting the data in memory: The preserve and restore commands 2.7 Getting your data into Stata
2.7.1 Inputting and importing data
2.8 Guidelines for Stata do-file programming style
Handling text files
2.7.2 Importing data from other package formats Free format versus fixed format The import delimited command Accessing data stored in spreadsheets Fixed-format data files
2.8.1 Basic guidelines for do-file writers
2.9 How to seek help for Stata programming 2.8.2 Enhancing speed and efficiency 3 Do-file programming: Functions, macros, scalars, and
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
3.2 Some general programming details
3.2.1 The varlist
3.3 Functions for the generate command 3.2.2 The numlist 3.2.3 The if exp and in range qualifiers 3.2.4 Missing-data handling
Recoding missing values: The mvdecode and mvencode commands
3.2.5 String-to-numeric conversion and vice versa
Numeric-to-string conversion
Working with quoted strings
3.3.1 Using if exp with indicator variables
3.4 Functions for the egen command 3.3.2 The cond() function 3.3.3 Recoding discrete and continuous variables
Official egen functions
egen functions from the user community
3.5.1 Observation numbering: _n and _N
3.6 Local macros 3.7 Global macros 3.8 Extended macro functions and macro list functions
3.8.1 System parameters, settings, and constants: creturn
3.9 Scalars 3.10 Matrices 4 Cookbook: Do-file programming I
4.1 Tabulating a logical condition across a set of variables
4.2 Computing summary statistics over groups 4.3 Computing the extreme values of a sequence 4.4 Computing the length of spells 4.5 Summarizing group characteristics over observations 4.6 Using global macros to set up your environment 4.7 List manipulation with extended macro functions 4.8 Using creturn values to document your work 5 Do-file programming: Validation, results, and data
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
5.2 Data validation: The assert, count, and duplicates commands 5.3 Reusing computed results: The return and ereturn commands
5.3.1 The ereturn list command
5.4 Storing, saving, and using estimated results
5.4.1 Generating publication-quality tables from stored estimates
5.5 Reorganizing datasets with the reshape command 5.6 Combining datasets 5.7 Combining datasets with the append command 5.8 Combining datasets with the merge command
5.8.1 The one-to-one match-merge
5.9 Other data management commands 5.8.2 The dangers of many-to-many merges
5.9.1 The fillin command
5.9.2 The cross command 5.9.3 The stack command 5.9.4 The separate command 5.9.5 The joinby command 5.9.6 The xpose command 6 Cookbook: Do-file programming II
6.1 Efficiently defining group characteristics and subsets
6.1.1 Using a complicated criterion to select a subset of observations
6.2 Applying reshape repeatedly 6.3 Handling time-series data effectively
6.3.1 Working with a business-daily calendar
6.4 reshape to perform rowwise computation 6.5 Adding computed statistics to presentation-quality tables 6.6 Presenting marginal effects rather than coefficients
6.6.1 Graphing marginal effects with marginsplot
6.7 Generating time-series data at a lower frequency 6.8 Using suest and gsem to compare estimates from nonoverlapping samples 6.9 Using reshape to produce forecasts from a VAR or VECM 6.10 Working with IRF files 7 Do-file programming: Prefixes, loops, and lists
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
7.2 Prefix commands
7.2.1 The by prefix
7.3 The forvalues and foreach commands 7.2.2 The statsby prefix 7.2.3 The xi prefix and factor-variable notation 7.2.4 The rolling prefix 7.2.5 The simulate and permute prefixes 7.2.6 The bootstrap and jackknife prefixes 7.2.7 Other prefix commands 8 Cookbook: Do-file programming III
8.1 Handling parallel lists
8.2 Calculating moving-window summary statistics
8.2.1 Producing summary statistics with rolling and merge
8.3 Computing monthly statistics from daily data 8.2.2 Calculating moving-window correlations 8.4 Requiring at least n observations per panel unit 8.5 Counting the number of distinct values per individual 8.6 Importing multiple spreadsheet pages 9 Do-file programming: Other topics
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
9.2 Storing results in Stata matrices 9.3 The post and postfile commands 9.4 Output: The export delimited, outfile, and file commands 9.5 Automating estimation output 9.6 Automating graphics 9.7 Characteristics 10 Cookbook: Do-file programming IV
10.1 Computing firm-level correlations with multiple indices
10.2 Computing marginal effects for graphical presentation 10.3 Automating the production of LATEX tables 10.4 Extracting data from graph files’ sersets 10.5 Constructing continuous price and returns series 11 Ado-file programming
11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
11.2 The structure of a Stata program 11.3 The program statement 11.4 The syntax and return statements 11.5 Implementing program options 11.6 Including a subset of observations 11.7 Generalizing the command to handle multiple variables 11.8 Making commands byable
Program properties
11.10 egen function programs 11.11 Writing an e-class program
11.11.1 Defining subprograms
11.12 Certifying your program 11.13 Programs for ml, nl, nlsur
Maximum likelihood estimation of distributions' parameters
11.13.1 Writing an ml-based command 11.13.2 Programs for the nl and nlsur commands 11.15 Programs for the simulate, bootstrap, and jackknife prefixes 11.16 Guidelines for Stata ado-file programming style
11.16.1 Presentation
11.16.2 Helpful Stata features 11.16.3 Respect for datasets 11.16.4 Speed and efficiency 11.16.5 Reminders 11.16.6 Style in the large 11.16.7 Use the best tools 12 Cookbook: Ado-file programming
12.1 Retrieving results from rolling
12.2 Generalization of egen function pct9010() to support all pairs of quantiles 12.3 Constructing a certification script 12.4 Using the ml command to estimate means and variances
12.4.1 Applying equality constraints in ml estimation
12.5 Applying inequality constraints in ml estimation 12.6 Generating a dataset containing the longest spell 12.7 Using suest on a fixed-effects model 13 Mata functions for do-file and ado-file programming
13.1 Mata: First principles
13.1.1 What you should learn from this chapter
13.2 Mata fundamentals
13.2.1 Operators
13.3 Mata's st_ interface functions
13.2.2 Relational and logical operators 13.2.3 Subscripts 13.2.4 Populating matrix elements 13.2.5 Mata loop commands 13.2.6 Conditional statements
13.3.1 Data access
13.4 Calling Mata with a single command line 13.3.2 Access to locals, globals, scalars, and matrices 13.3.3 Access to Stata variables' attributes 13.5 Components of a Mata Function
13.5.1 Arguments
13.6 Calling Mata functions 13.5.2 Variables 13.5.3 Stored results 13.7 Example: st_interface function usage 13.8 Example: Matrix operations
13.8.1 Extending the command
13.9 Mata-based likelihood function evaluators 13.10 Creating arrays of temporary objects with pointers 13.11 Structures 13.12 Additional Mata features
13.12.1 Macros in Mata functions
13.12.2 Associative arrays in Mata functions 13.12.3 Compiling Mata functions 13.12.4 Building and maintaining an object library 13.12.5 A useful collection of Mata routines 14 Cookbook: Mata function programming
14.1 Reversing the rows or columns of a Stata matrix
14.2 Shuffling the elements of a string variable 14.3 Firm-level correlations with multiple indices with Mata 14.4 Passing a function to a Mata function 14.5 Using subviews in Mata 14.6 Storing and retrieving country-level data with Mata structures 14.7 Locating nearest neighbors with Mata 14.8 Using a permutation vector to reorder results 14.9 Producing LATEX tables from svy results 14.10 Computing marginal effects for quantile regression 14.11 Computing the seemingly unrelated regression estimator 14.12 A GMM-CUE estimator using Mata's optimize() function References
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Subject index (PDF)
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