This manual includes features that are part of StataNow™.
[G-1] Introduction and overview
Intro Introduction to graphics manual Graph intro Introduction to graphics Graph Editor Graph Editor
[G-2] Commands
graph The graph command graph bar Bar charts graph box Box plots graph close Close Graph windows graph combine Combine multiple graphs graph copy Copy graph in memory graph describe Describe contents of graph in memory or on disk graph dir List names of graphs in memory and on disk graph display Display graph stored in memory graph dot Dot charts (summary statistics) graph drop Drop graphs from memory graph export Export current graph graph manipulation Graph manipulation commands graph matrix Matrix graphs graph other Other graphics commands graph pie Pie charts graph play Apply edits from a recording on current graph graph print Print a graph graph query List available schemes and styles graph rename Rename graph in memory graph replay Replay multiple graphs graph save Save graph to disk graph set Set graphics options graph twoway Twoway graphs graph twoway area Twoway line plot with area shading graph twoway bar Twoway bar plots graph twoway connected Twoway connected plots StataNow graph twoway contour Twoway contour plot with area shading graph twoway contourline Twoway contour-line plot graph twoway dot Twoway dot plots graph twoway dropline Twoway dropped-line plots graph twoway fpfit Twoway fractional-polynomial prediction plots graph twoway fpfitci Twoway fractional-polynomial prediction plots with CIs graph twoway function Twoway line plot of function graph twoway histogram Histogram plots graph twoway kdensity Kernel density plots graph twoway lfit Twoway linear prediction plots graph twoway lfitci Twoway linear prediction plots with CIs graph twoway line Twoway line plots StataNow graph twoway lowess Local linear smooth plots graph twoway lpoly Local polynomial smooth plots graph twoway lpolyci Local polynomial smooth plots with CIs graph twoway mband Twoway median-band plots graph twoway mspline Twoway median-spline plots graph twoway pcarrow Paired-coordinate plot with arrows graph twoway pcarrowi Twoway pcarrow with immediate arguments graph twoway pccapsym Paired-coordinate plot with spikes and marker symbols graph twoway pci Twoway paired-coordinate plot with immediate arguments graph twoway pcscatter Paired-coordinate plot with markers graph twoway pcspike Paired-coordinate plot with spikes graph twoway qfit Twoway quadratic prediction plots graph twoway qfitci Twoway quadratic prediction plots with CIs graph twoway rarea Range plot with area shading graph twoway rbar Range plot with bars graph twoway rcap Range plot with capped spikes graph twoway rcapsym Range plot with spikes capped with marker symbols graph twoway rconnected Range plot with connected lines StataNow graph twoway rline Range plot with lines StataNow graph twoway rscatter Range plot with markers graph twoway rspike Range plot with spikes graph twoway scatter Twoway scatterplots graph twoway scatteri Scatter with immediate arguments graph twoway spike Twoway spike plots graph twoway tsline Twoway line plots StataNow graph use Display graph stored on disk palette Display palettes of available selections set graphics Set whether graphs are displayed set printcolor Set how colors are treated when graphs are printed set scheme Set default scheme
[G-3] Options
added_line_options Options for adding lines to twoway graphs added_text_options Options for adding text to twoway graphs addplot_option Option for adding additional twoway plots to command advanced_options Rarely specified options for use with graph twoway area_options Options for specifying the look of special areas aspect_option Option for controlling the aspect ratio of the plot region axis_choice_options Options for specifying the axes on which a plot appears axis_label_options Options for specifying axis labels axis_options Options for specifying numeric axes axis_scale_options Options for specifying axis scale, range, and look axis_title_options Options for specifying axis titles barlook_options Options for setting the look of bars blabel_option Option for labeling bars by_option Option for repeating graph command cat_axis_label_options Options for specifying look of categorical axis labels cat_axis_line_options Options for specifying look of categorical axis line clegend_option Option for controlling the contour-plot legend cline_options Options for connecting points with lines (subset of connect options) colorvar_options Options for using levels of a variable to control color connect_options Options for connecting points with lines eps_options Options for exporting to Encapsulated PostScript fcline_options Options for determining the look of fitted connecting lines fitarea_options Options for specifying the look of confidence interval areas gif_options Options for exporting to Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) jpg_options Options for exporting to Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format legend_options Option for specifying legends line_options Options for determining the look of lines marker_label_options Options for specifying marker labels marker_options Options for specifying markers name_option Option for naming graph in memory nodraw_option Option for suppressing display of graph pdf_options Options for exporting to Portable Document Format play_option Option for playing graph recordings png_options Options for exporting to portable network graphics (PNG) format pr_options Options for use with graph print ps_options Options for exporting or printing to PostScript rcap_options Options for determining the look of range plots with capped spikes region_options Options for shading and outlining regions and controlling graph size rspike_options Options for determining the look of range spikes saving_option Option for saving graph to disk scale_option Option for resizing text, markers, and line widths scheme_option Option for specifying scheme std_options Options for use with graph construction commands svg_options Options for exporting to Scalable Vector Graphics textbox_options Options for textboxes and concept definition tif_options Options for exporting to tagged image file format (TIFF) title_options Options for specifying titles twoway_options Options for twoway graphs
[G-4] Styles, concepts, and schemes
addedlinestyle Choices for overall look of added lines alignmentstyle Choices for vertical alignment of text anglestyle Choices for the angle at which text is displayed areastyle Choices for look of regions axisstyle Choices for overall look of axes bystyle Choices for look of by-graphs clockposstyle Choices for location: Direction from central point colorstyle Choices for color compassdirstyle Choices for location Concept: gph files Using gph files Concept: lines Using lines Concept: repeated options Interpretation of repeated options connectstyle Choices for how points are connected gridstyle Choices for overall look of grid lines intensitystyle Choices for the intensity of a color justificationstyle Choices for how text is justified legendstyle Choices for look of legends linealignmentstyle Choices for whether outlines are inside, outside, or centered linepatternstyle Choices for whether lines are solid, dashed, etc. linestyle Choices for overall look of lines linewidthstyle Choices for thickness of lines marginstyle Choices for size of margins markerlabelstyle Choices for overall look of marker labels markersizestyle Choices for the size of markers markerstyle Choices for overall look of markers orientationstyle Choices for orientation of textboxes plotregionstyle Choices for overall look of plot regions pstyle Choices for overall look of plot ringposstyle Choices for location: Distance from plot region Schemes intro Introduction to schemes Scheme economist Scheme description: economist Scheme s1 Scheme description: s1 family Scheme s2 Scheme description: s2 family Scheme sj Scheme description: sj Scheme st Scheme description: st family shadestyle Choices for overall look of filled areas size Choices for sizes for objects stylelists Lists of style elements and shorthands symbolstyle Choices for the shape of markers text Text in graphs textboxstyle Choices for the overall look of text including border textsizestyle Choices for the size of text textstyle Choices for the overall look of text ticksetstyle Choices for overall look of axis ticks tickstyle Choices for the overall look of axis ticks and axis tick labels Glossary Combined author index Combined subject index