Intro | Introduction |
Intro 1 | How to read this manual |
Intro 2 | A tour of concepts and commands |
Intro 3 | Workflow outline |
Intro 4 | Overview of commands |
Intro 5 | Other tabulation commands |
Tables Builder | Tables Builder |
collect get | Collect results from a Stata command |
collect addtags | Add tags to items in a collection |
collect clear | Clear all collections in memory |
collect combine | Combine collections |
collect composite | Manage composite results in a collection |
collect copy | Copy a collection |
collect create | Create a new collection |
collect dims | List dimensions in a collection |
collect dir | Display names of all collections in memory |
collect drop | Drop collections from memory |
collect label | Manage custom labels in a collection |
collect levelsof | List levels of a dimension |
collect notes | Add table notes in a collection |
collect query | Query collection style properties |
collect recode | Recode dimension levels in a collection |
collect remap | Remap tags in a collection |
collect rename | Rename a collection |
collect save | Save a collection to disk |
collect set | Set the current (active) collection |
collect stars | Add stars for significant results in a collection |
collect title | Add a custom table title in a collection |
collect use | Use a collection from disk |
collect layout | Specify table layout for the current collection |
collect preview | Preview the table in a collection |
collect export | Export table from a collection |
collect style autolevels | Collection styles for automatic dimension levels |
collect style cell | Collection styles for cells |
collect style clear | Clear all collection styles |
collect style column | Collection styles for column headers |
collect style _cons | Collection styles for intercept position |
collect style header | Collection styles for hiding and showing header components |
collect style html | Collection styles for HTML files |
collect style notes | Collection styles for table notes |
collect style putdocx | Collection styles for putdocx |
collect style putpdf | Collection styles for putpdf |
collect style row | Collection styles for row headers |
collect style save | Save collection styles to disk |
collect style showbase | Collection styles for displaying base levels |
collect style showempty | Collection styles for displaying empty cells |
collect style showomit | Collection styles for displaying omitted coefficients |
collect style table | Collection styles for table headers |
collect style tex | Collection styles for LaTeX files |
collect style title | Collection styles for table titles |
collect style use | Use collection styles from disk |
Appendix | Appendix |
Collection principles | Tags, dimensions, levels, and layout from first principles |
Predefined styles | Predefined collection styles |
set collect_double | Storage type settings for collections |
set collect_label | Label settings for collections |
set collect_style | Style settings for collections |
set collect_warn | Warning settings for collections |
set dtable_style | Default style settings for dtable |
set etable_style | Default style settings for etable |
set table_style | Default style settings for table |
Example 1 | Table of means, standard deviations, and correlations |
Example 2 | Table of medians and rank-sum test results |
Example 3 | Table of comparative summary statistics |
Example 4 | Table of t test results |
Example 5 | Table of regression coefficients and confidence intervals |
Example 6 | Table comparing regression results |
Example 7 | Table of regression results using survey data |
Glossary | |
Combined author index | |
Combined subject index |