These instructions are for upgrading to a new edition within a release (for example, upgrading from Stata/SE 18 to Stata/MP 18).
Follow the instructions for your operating system below:
Click on File Explorer.
Click on Downloads on the left side of the pop-up pane. Then, double-click on SetupStata18 to install. If you have StataNow, you will see SetupStataNow18 instead.
If you cannot find the SetupStata18 or SetupStataNow18 file, you will need to visit download.stata.com to download a new copy or reinstall from your media. (If the credentials you were supplied when you originally downloaded Stata are no longer valid, contact StataCorp for availability.)
Select Modify, and then click Next.
Select the correct Executable for the edition of Stata to which you are upgrading. (Refer to your License and Activation Key that you originally received from Stata if you are unsure which version of Stata to install.)
Click Next.
Click Next again to complete the installation.
If you have difficulty modifying your installation, you may wish to try uninstalling your existing license first.
Once installation is complete, click on File Explorer.
Click This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files > Stata18, and click on the newly installed executable to start a new session of Stata. If you have StataNow, you may see StataNow18 instead.
This will open a dialog boxes that prompt you to update your license information.
You will want to re-register Stata with your new information.
After the license has been initialized, launch Stata and type
update query
to make sure you have the latest updates installed. Follow any instructions presented on the screen.
First you will need to uninstall your current copy of Stata. To do this, click on Finder in the Dock.
Now you are ready to install your new edition of Stata.
Click on Finder in the Dock.
If you cannot find the .dmg file, you will need to visit download.stata.com to download a new copy. (If the credentials you were supplied when you originally downloaded Stata are no longer valid, contact StataCorp for availability.)
Start the installer by double-clicking on the disk image and then double-clicking on Install Stata or Install StataNow.
Check the edition of Stata you are upgrading to.
During installation of the new edition, Stata's license file, stata.lic, will be automatically renamed stata.lic.old.
Next, launch the new edition of Stata. To do this, click on Finder in the Dock.
Stata will launch a dialog box prompting you for your new License and Activation Key.
After the license has been initialized, launch Stata and type
update query
to make sure you have the latest updates installed. Follow any instructions presented on the screen.
All editions of Stata were already installed when you first installed Stata. You merely need to re-initialize Stata's license and then start using the new edition.
% sudo -s # mv stata.lic stata.lic.bak # ./stinit
# chmod 644 stata.lic
# exit % stata (StataNow/BE or Stata/BE (console)) % xstata (StataNow/BE or Stata/BE (X Windows)) % stata-se (StataNow/SE or Stata/SE (console)) % xstata-se (StataNow/SE or Stata/SE (X Windows)) % stata-mp (StataNow/MP or Stata/MP (console)) % xstata-mp (StataNow/MP or Stata/MP (X Windows))
update query
to make sure you have the latest updates installed. Follow any instructions presented on the screen.
Refer to the Stata installation guide for instructions on installing a new release of Stata.
If you have any difficulty with the installation process, contact technical support.
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